PATH in Linux


Path via Clearly Creative

Path is an important area to understand when it comes to Unix / Linux.

What is PATH ?

It is an enviornmental variable in Unix / Linux that tells the shell which directories to search for executable files in response to commands issued by the user. Enviornmental variables are items for which values can be changed.

There are two types of PATH

1. Absolute Path

An abosolute path is easily recognized from the leading forward slash “/”. You start at the top level directory and continue down.

for e.g cd /boot/grub

2. Relative Path

A relative path doesn’t have a preceeding slash, usage of relative path is when you start from directory below the top level. This is dependent on where you are in the filesystem.

for e.g. While being in user’s home directory, going to /user/music you just type cd music

Note. My words are covered with my research therefore some might contain to some reference.